Produced by the legendary television and film Producer Richard Skaggs, “The Sky is Falling” is one of the most influential environmental documentary films ever created. It was the first documentary film of its kind endorsed by the U.S. Congress, and helped to change the course of the country on environmental pollution. This cautionary tale illuminated the impact of acid rain across the globe, and demonstrated how solutions to this massive problem had always been within reach.
Narrated by Academy Award Winner Cliff Robertson, scientists, environmentalists, politicians and concerned citizens all spoke out in an effort to define how important that issue was back in the 1980’s and the additional mounting implications of future environmental destruction for generations to come.
This film is also important today, as Regen Films is proud to announce our first collaboration with Mr. Skaggs as we move forward into 2023 with the follow up sequel “The Sky is Still Falling” later this year, as the work on this issue is far from over!